Kids Takeover UBC: A kid-verified report from MOA

What would happen if kids took control of the Museum of Anthropology at UBC?

Well, that question was answered today during the Kids Takeover UBC event. Families came in from all over campus and beyond to participate in the festivities, which included guided tours, flash mobs, and even music and dance lessons from an African fusion trio!

My job was to report on the event from a kids’ perspective. There were a few parts of the day that stood out for me, one of them being the venue. The museum building and grounds are among the most beautiful in UBC and so it was an amazing spot to have an event like this! From the multiple different exhibits, like 'Amazonia' or 'The Fabric of Our Land', to the guided outdoor tours of the Haida houses and reflecting pool behind the building, there was much to explore for the families that came to the museum today. 

Also, since kids and youth had taken over, we made sure to keep even our youngest guests entertained and happy. From dancing to drawing and art classes (everything created by kids, by the way) all the children and “kids-at-heart” were kept happy and entertained. Kids were even able to help out with some real archaeology at the conservation lab, giving them a hands-on experience at MOA! 

And last, but certainly not least, the musicians and performers who joined in to give the festivities a soundtrack were top notch. Starting out with the student-led flash mob dancing, to the African dance workshop, led by husband and wife team Awal Alhassan and Sheinawu Abubakari, to the live African fusion music, and finally the St. James Academy jazz band to end the day with a bang, we had some truly talented performers to liven things up in the museum.

By: Westley Peregoodoff-Marte (Grade 7) Norma Rose Point Elementary School