Lunar New Year knots animate campus!

If you happened to stop by the bookstore on your way home Friday afternoon, you may have been greeted by the sight of dozens of bright red and gold Chinese knots adorning the fencing at University Boulevard and East Mall—a lucky Lunar New Year surprise orchestrated by UNA residents for UBC students!

As part of a UTown@UBC Community Grant project, UNA residents, working with the Equity and Inclusion Office and Department of Asian Studies, held knot-tying workshops on campus throughout the week, then gathered them up with other ornaments to animate a busy campus space and share this very important celebration.

I had a blast helping to hang the ornaments, and loved seeing students stop and pick out a special keepsake and chat with residents about Lunar New Year traditions. According to the residents involved, the act of hanging the knots and ornaments brings good luck for the upcoming year, as does taking one as a keepsake. If that's true, then many UBC students will find the Year of the Sheep to be a very lucky one!

Have a great idea to bring vibrancy to campus? Be sure to check out our next cycle of community grants in the fall.

Thanks for stopping by!
